Gasverflüssigung nach Faraday

Wissenschaftliche Experimente von besonderem historischem Interesse.

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Re: Gasverflüssigung nach Faraday

Beitrag von aliquis »

Pok is no user of this forum anymore. He claimed the rights on his pictures and that they have to be removed as he left. So I think there's no chance to get them back.
Videos are only linked here. Since Pok switched them to private on his YouTube channel they cannot be watched here anymore, too.
But it would be a great gain for this article, if you post some pictures and the video of the experiment after it was recreated by you or Mr. Szydlo. :)
Sorry for my weak English.
"Es lebe die Freiheit!" (Hans Scholl)
IllumiNobel-Gewinner 2012
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Re: Gasverflüssigung nach Faraday

Beitrag von lemmi »

Hellow Andrew! Perhaps you don't need to watch the video The description of the experiment ist fairly precise and should be sufficient to repeat the procedure. Google translator should help. :)
"Alles sollte so einfach wie möglich gemacht werden. Aber nicht einfacher." (A. Einstein 1871 - 1955)

"Wer nur Chemie versteht, versteht auch die nicht recht!" (G.C. Lichtenberg, 1742 - 1799)

"Die gefährlichste Weltanschauung ist die Weltanschauung der Leute, die die Welt nie gesehen haben." (Alexander v. Humboldt, 1769 - 1859)
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Re: Gasverflüssigung nach Faraday

Beitrag von andrewtretiakov »

Hi Lemmi,

Yes, I read all the descriptions carefully with Google translate but I would still like to watch them. Google translate is not perfect as you know plus I am more of a visual person and images do help. I do have Faraday's diagrams/drawings as well so I think those might help.

Thank you and Aliquis for your encouragement!

As Andrew Szydlo always likes to say 'we must get a result' so we'll practice and try and try. In any case, we might just use solid acetylene instead which is easier to condense using liquid nitrogen. I'm honestly worried about glass tubes blowing up.... Years ago I sealed thick borosilicate glass tubes with dry ice to show liquid CO2 and triple point of carbon dioxide but none survived.

Thanks again,
IllumiNobel-Gewinner 2012
Beiträge: 6106
Registriert: Freitag 6. Januar 2012, 09:25

Re: Gasverflüssigung nach Faraday

Beitrag von lemmi »

Our ex-user also described a procedure to make glass tubes filled with hypercritical carbon dioxide (see here). Sadly, this description also is without pictures or videos.
"Alles sollte so einfach wie möglich gemacht werden. Aber nicht einfacher." (A. Einstein 1871 - 1955)

"Wer nur Chemie versteht, versteht auch die nicht recht!" (G.C. Lichtenberg, 1742 - 1799)

"Die gefährlichste Weltanschauung ist die Weltanschauung der Leute, die die Welt nie gesehen haben." (Alexander v. Humboldt, 1769 - 1859)
IllumiNobel-Gewinner 2012
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Re: Gasverflüssigung nach Faraday

Beitrag von BJ68 »

andrewtretiakov hat geschrieben: Mittwoch 29. Januar 2025, 18:02 we might just use solid acetylene instead which is easier to condense using liquid nitrogen.
May be easier to condense and solidify, but be very careful.

According to the "Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items"* Pages 168 until 172 is liquefied and solid acetylene explosive and can be detonated form a spark, blow or detonator. The sensitivity is slight, but it´s better to be careful....because I remember the problem of diazomethane with ground glass joints....

*= For the other parts search "ENCYCLOPEDIA OF EXPLOSIVES AND RELATED ITEMS" @ this page:

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Re: Gasverflüssigung nach Faraday

Beitrag von andrewtretiakov »

Thank you very much @BJ68 for the info :thumbsup:

I think then we might give this a miss then or try this on a very very small scale...